In Sanskrit, vrksa means tree, and the practice of this pose requires us to balance on one leg while the other leg is bent and the foot is placed inside the groin of the weight-bearing leg.
Symbolically, the tree is said to be strong and well-grounded, as it grows both upwards and downwards building stability. The grounding action of the weight-bearing foot represents the roots of a tree grounding, and the arms above the head signify the branches growing upwards.

Source: “Yoga anatomy” written by Leslie Kaminoff
Tree Pose is usually the first standing balance pose that is taught to yoga beginners because it's the simplest although it's harder than it looks at first glance and will be different every day. Don't get frustrated if you wobble or even fall over at first it will become easier once you gain more strength and adaptability on the feet and ankles.
Vrksasana strengthens the legs and core while opening the hips and stretching the inner thigh and groin muscles, and most important, helps to build a better balance.
DRISHTI / GAZE | Foward. Upward. |
PHYSICAL BENEFITS | Remedies flat feet. Strengthens the arches, ankles, calves, and thighs. Lengthens the spine. Improves balance. Opens the shoulders, chest, thighs, and hips. Improves circulation. |
MENTAL BENEFITS | Focuses and calms the mind. Cultivates poise. Enhances balance. |
COUNTERPOSES | Tadasana (mountain pose). Ardha Uttanasana (standing half forward end). Uttanasana (standing forward bend). Garudasana (eagle pose). Balasana (child's pose). |
THIS ASANA PREPARES THE BODY FOR: | Transition to Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (extended hand-to-foot pose) exploring with the eyes closed. Vasisthasana (side plank pose) with a top leg in tree pose positioning. |
Stand in Tadasana (Mountain pose).
Spread your toes and root down through all four corners of your feet. Feel the feet rooting on the floor.
Hug your legs together. Start to shift the weight of your body to the left foot and leg.
Focus on a point in front of you.
Keeping your left leg strong and steady, inhale, bend your right leg and place the right foot against the inner left thigh. Please note that you should never put the foot over or on the side of your knee or knee joint.
Bring the palms together in front of your heart.
Inhale, lengthen the sides of your body from the hips up to the shoulders. Roll the shoulder blades onto your back. Extend your arms over your head beside your ears bringing the palms together.
Hold for several breaths then lower the arms and leg simultaneously.
Do the same with the other side of your body.
Source: Alo Moves - Online Yoga & Fitness Videos